Are you ready to share your voice and expertise with the world with a podcast?

Not sure where to start?

Check out my free beginners guide where I'llĀ share with the most important things you need to consider BEFORE starting your podcast!Ā 


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Here's what you'll learn...

  • What you need to decide on before you even hit record.
  • The basic equipment you need (and you probably already own).
  • What you should consider getting help with.
  • And more...

Hello, I’m Julie-Anna.

I set up Decibel Podcasts to help small business owners start their own podcast using easy tips and simple tech.

I’m a former radio, TV and business journalist who’s been making podcasts for the past 10 years.

I’ve helped plenty of big businesses launch their podcasts and won some awards. I’m now helping individuals and small businesses start their podcasts. 

Are you ready to share your voice and expertise with the world with a podcast? Not sure where to start?

Check out my free beginners guide where I'll share with the most important things you need to consider BEFORE starting your podcast! 

I want the guide, Julie-Anna!